NPI Phase 1


Phase 1 of the NPI process is the foundational stage where we establish a clear destination and outline the roadmap to achieve it. This phase is dedicated to discovery and planning, ensuring both parties are aligned and fully understand the requirements and expectations.

This phase involves an in-depth discovery process on your business goals and product requirements. Here we gather detailed information, which allows us to set realistic expectations about the project's scope and timeline. This mutual understanding is essential for a successful partnership.

Efficiencies at a Glance

  • SEACOMP’s fully integrated team has the tools to identify potential cost and timeline challenges upfront, instead of further along in the project. This helps with early coordination and provides downstream efficiencies. 
  • We have all the in-house expertise required for total alignment at the outset—we facilitate early conversations between designers and engineers, have approved vendors and suppliers, and can share manufacturing efficiencies we’ve already built out.

Product Discovery

The product discovery phase is where important formative conversations take place. During this stage, SEACOMP dives deep into several key elements to assess compatibility and feasibility. Questions we ask include: 

  • Is there a proposed timeline and/or hard deadline for your product launch (i.e. holiday season)?
  • Do you have testing and certification requirements? 
  • Where are you in the product development journey? If the project is still unfolding, SEACOMP can help identify goals in the discovery phase.




Armed with knowledge from the product discovery process, SEACOMP will conduct an in-house analysis. This includes reviewing your bill of materials (BOM) and any design files already in place. The team will identify opportunities and potential risks, developing a plan to mitigate them. 

Following this analysis, another conversation takes place to set and agree upon expectations. You will also have the opportunity to evaluate whether SEACOMP’s processes align with your business goals. This may include a factory audit to confirm setup, standards, and certifications or any other method you may need for due diligence. Factory documentation and traceability are some examples of what can be covered during an audit—this is important for many companies, such as those manufacturing medical devices.


This planning stage sets the groundwork for a successful climb, ensuring that both parties are aligned on the journey ahead. If everyone agrees to move forward, the outcome is a high-level agreement on the total schedule and estimated pricing. Total costs and detailed scheduling will get more finalized as we progress through the next few NPI phases together.

From here, financial investments and resource allocation begins, marking the transition from planning to execution.

What's Next

With the path set before us, adventure awaits and we can hit the trail. Now it’s time to optimize your design for manufacturing in Phase 2.

Continue Along the Journey

Next up in our NPI journey is Phase 2: Engineering, Prototyping, and Design for Manufacturing.